Friday, June 4, 2010

SB 1070 has been kegged!

Kegged the SB 1070 (Special Brew O.G. 1.070) last night. The O.G. calculated was closer to 1.085 (but the hydrometer said 1.060 - 10lbs of grain though)

Anyhoo, the leftovers from the F.G. (1.020 or so) tasted great. Can't wait to try it cold and carbonated.

The whole Arizona Senate Bill 1070 pisses me off - hence the mockery via beer -- profile this, assholes -- German style beer, American hops, Mexican agave. If you didn't know the beer was brewed in my kitchen, you may not know if it was an import or not. Well, except that it's unfiltered and has a crudely printed label. But that's just profiling.